Wow! Wedding season sure is gearing up.... I am working with a bride now who is getting married in June and I just keep telling her, "We have to stay organized."
This post is going out of the event organizers out there... maids of honor, moms, best friends; ya'll know who you are!
Here are some of the best things that helped me stay organized:
- My amazing matron of honor! She sent me a "To Do" list every week or so with stuff I needed to accomplish that week. Sometimes it was even simple stuff like, "Go get ribbon." But it really helped!!
- I was spreadsheet happy! I kept everything that needed to be checked off, listed, etc in spreadsheets. It helped keep payments, invites, and lots of stuff organized.
- A notebook! In the beginning of it all, I kept a notebook with all my ideas. I put magazine tears in it, photos of other weddings, business cards, everything.
- My "MyAgenda" was a saving grace too! I got mine at The Cordial Cricket, but you can check online and find a retailer near you too. The agenda is made by a company called MomAgenda, and it is super helpful!! I was able to organize all my appointments, to do's, and other work all from the same place. Now, I know in the world of smartphones, some of you may say, "A real agenda book? How old school." And you are totally correct, but it really helps me to write things down so this is perfect for me. I still use a MyAgenda in my everyday life too. (The picture in this post is from the MomAgenda Web site.)
Just remember to breathe and take things one step at a time-- you don't have to get everything done at once. That's the point of it all... to get you to the aisle with the least amount of stress possible.
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